Network is the sixth and final section of Scouting for 18-25 year olds.
Run by it’s own members, Network is a great way to stay connected with others in Scouting.
Weather you’re working towards higher awards, wanting to get involved with projects, or just want to come along to our monthly social events, there’s no reason to not get involved!
For more information about Network in general, please read about it here on the national website.
Keep up with what we’re doing on our instagram page: @Warrington.Network
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events for Network members can be found here in the “Events” section of the website.
Please note we don’t keep the website up to date with smaller social events, so please check the WhatsApp group and Facebook group for more information.
If you’re not already in our WhatsApp group, please fill out the form below, or email (as this is where we’re most active!)
Badge Placement

Join Warrington West Network
If you’re 18-25 and want to get involved, please fill out the form below.
If you’re under 18, please get a parent or guardian reach out to our 14-24 team leader, Leo at